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Product Details

28% Validamycin SP

Active ingredient content: 28%

Validamycin A content: 28%

Formulation: SP

Low toxicity



Dosage of formulation

Application method


Rice false smut





Sheath blight





To control rice sheath blight, use fungicide at the beginning of the disease or in the rising stage of the disease; to prevent and cure rice false smut disease, apply the fungicide 5-7 days before the breach. Add 180-360 kg of diluted water per acre and spray evenly. The fungicide is applied once every 7-10 days and can be applied 2-3 times in a row. Do not apply this fungicide on windy days or when rainfall is expected within 1 hour.

Properties :

This product is an agricultural antibiotic and a biological fungicide. Validamycin is an agricultural antibiotic with a strong systemic effect. When the mycelia of rice germs come into contact with Validamycin, they can be quickly absorbed by the bacterial cells and transmitted in the bacterial cells, interfering with and inhibiting the normal growth and development of the bacterial cells. To play a therapeutic role. It is mainly used to control rice sheath blight and rice false smut.


1. Use on rice, keep the water layer in the field 3-6 cm after application.

2. Do not mix with alkaline substances.

3. If there is moisture absorption and agglomeration during the shelf life, it will not affect the efficacy after dissolution.

4. Apply  no  more than 3 times per season on rice with a safety interval of 14 days.

5. It is recommended to rotate the fungicides with different mechanisms to delay the development of resistance.

6. Safety precautions should be taken when using this product. Wear protective clothing and mask gloves to avoid inhalation of mouth and skin and skin contact. Clean skin and change clothing immediately after application.

7. Avoid polluting water sources, and it is forbidden to clean the application equipment in water bodies such as river ponds. The field water after application shall not be discharged directly into the water body.

8, pregnant women and lactating women are prohibited from contact with this product.

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